Wordpress Video Robot
Wordpress Video Robot
The Ultimate WordPress Video Importer
WP Video Robot is a powerful solution that allows you to create WordPress automated video website without any effort!
Thanks to its automated schedule system, it makes sure your site stays fresh and updated with the best and most popular videos.
You can sleep soundly, WP Video Robot does the job for you!
Thank you for purchasing
our premium plugin.
CREATED : 2014-08-01
MODIFIED: 2022-09-05
To use WP Video Robot, you must be running :
- WordPress Version 3.6 or higher ( Version 3.9.2 recommeded )
- PHP5 or higher
- Mysql5 or higher
- cURL 7.30+ with https enabled
- allow_url_fopen must be activated on your PHP configuration in order to get the plugin download the
video thumbnails
We have successfully tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux.
We also have tested WPVR with popular web browsers.
What's in the box ?
Let's see what you have downloaded :
The documentation : documentation.zip
You are currently reading it !
The plugin files : wpvr.zip
The plugin files are in wpvr.zip, the folder "wpvr" should be placed in the /plugins directory of your
WordPress installation. Instructions below.
Install through WordPress
To get this plugin working you have to follow these steps
Extract the zip file downloaded from CodeCanyon
Log in to your WordPress site
Head to Plugins > Add new, then click on "Upload Plugin"
Select the extracted zip archive "wpvr.zip"
Click "Upload" and wait until the file was uploaded and extracted
Click "Activate Plugin"
Click on "WP VIdeo Robot" in the menu
That's all ! You are ready to use WP Video Robot. Meanwhile, to get the automated functionality to work,
Please configure the plugin from WPVR Options Page.
Install through FTP
If you are having trouble using the default WordPress installer you can upload the plugin via FTP.
- Open wpvr.zip file and unpack all the plugin files to a directory on your computer.
- Open your favorite FTP program ( such as Filezilla
) and connect to your server. If you don't know your login details,
your hosting provider can help you with that. Upload this directory to the
/wp-content/plugins directory of the WordPress installation on your server.
- Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins in the WordPress administration.
You will see the plugin you just uploaded. Click on the Activate button and you are
Updates & Activation
Licence Activation
To use the plugin and be able to update it, you first have to activate your license.
You should have your CodeCanyon purchase code near before continuing the activation.
You can find it in the CodeCanyon receipt or you can get it by following this tutorial.
Enter your email and your purchase code on the popup shat shows that appears on each page of the
- Click on Activate my copy to proceed.
- You're done ! Now you can use the plugin and update it automatically each time a new version is
Automatic Update
To use the automatic plugin updater, your copy of WPVR must be licensed and activated.
You can easily find your purchase code in the zip file you downloaded from codecanyon.
Once they are entered and we issue a plugin update, you will receive a notification message in your
WordPress admin “Updates” or “Plugins” section.
WordPress checks for new updates every 12 hours. Follow the onscreen prompts to
update the plugin.
Manual Update
- Download the latest version of the plugin from CodeCanyon
- Unzip the main file to your computer
- In the unzipped folder there is another zip file called wpvr-x.x.zip, unzip that file as well to a
folder of your choice
- Open your favorite FTP program ( such as Filezilla
and connect to your server. If you don't know your login details your hosting
provider can help you with that.
- Then navigate to your plugins directory usually something like public_html/wp-content/plugins/
- Drag and drop the wpvr folder you just unzipped from the wpvr-x.x.zip file to the plugin folder on
your server
- Filezilla will show a dialog warning you that the files you are trying to move to the server already
exist, check the "Overwrite" radio button and also check the "Apply to current
queue only" checkbox.
- Click OK and the files will start uploading and overwriting the old ones.
- Login to your website admin panel when uploading is finished and make sure the plugin is updated by
going to Plugins > Instaleld Plugins and checking the
version number.
Important Notice
Backup Your Current Setup !
Whenever you update the plugin, just like upgrading any major software,
it’s always a good idea to make sure that you have a current backup of your web site,
including your wp-content folder, your wp-config,php file,
and your .htaccess file in your WordPress installation folder,
and a copy of your WordPress database. You can use these to revert back to your
original site
if something unforeseen happens during the update process.
If you are not familiar with how to do this yourself, your in luck: There are several
plugins available that completely automate that process for you,
such as: UpDraft Plus and
WordPress Backup Buddy
WPVR Sources
WP Video Robot fetch videos using sources. You can use unlimited number of sources, toggle them ON or OFF, test
them manually or run them. You can define and use as many sources as you need.
Adding Sources
You have a lot of flexibility when it comes to define a source. Different tabs makes it easy for you to
navigate between your source settings.
You can set any of your source options to Default, then define it from the WPVR Options
This way, you can change hundreds of sources settings with a single click.
Source Info

First, add a friendly name for the source. Then choose one of the available video services.
The plugin is shipped with Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. If you need to import from another video service,
check out our
Then pick a source type among the possible values available for the selected video service.
Search :
Fetch for videos by search terms.
Video Service : Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo.
Param : Enter search terms (space:AND , -:NOT , |:OR)
Trendy :
Fetch for the most trendy videos of the last hours/days by country.
Video Service : Youtube, Dailymotion.
Param : Pick a country from the list.
Playlists :
Get all videos included in a public playlist of videos.
Video Service : Youtube, Dailymotion.
Param : Unique Playlist ID or Comma separated Playlist Ids for Youtube.
Channels :
Get all videos included in a public channel.
Video Service : Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo.
Param : Unique channel ID
For Youtube, you can grab this ID form its owner username with the form below.
Groups :
Get all videos included in a public channel.
Video Service : Dailymotion, Vimeo.
Param : Unique group ID
Videos :
Get videos by their unique Ids
Video Service : Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo.
Param : Unique Video ID or Comma separated Video Ids for Youtube.
Users :
Get all the videos posted by a user.
Video Service : Vimeo only.
Param : Unique Vimeo Username .
Then pick how many videos you want this source to get per execution.
Wanted Videos
Is the number of wanted videos on each source call. For performance purposes use small number, and
remember that WP Video Robot will pass by in the next hour to get more videos.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
- Custom Number : Enter your own number
Source Fetching

Order By
You can choose to order video results of the source by :
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Relevance :
Get the most relevant search results first.
Date :
Get the most recent videos first.
Get the most viewed results first.
Order results alphabetically by video title.
Rating (NEW) :
Get the most rated videos first.
You can choose either to skip videos that have already been imported or not.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Skip Duplicates :
Import only new videos, skipping existing ones.
Do Not Skip Duplicates : :
Import videos even if they already exist on the site.
Unwanted Scope
The plugin allows you to remember bad or junk videos you come across, and don't want to import. We
called them unwanted videos.
You can define unwanted videos globally or on a source basis. Here you can define whether to skip
this source unwanted videos only or the site global unwanted videos.
You can choose either to grab other Youtube data or no.( Video Duration, Video Likes, Video
Dislikes, Videos Youtube Views, ...).
If you face performance issues, turn off this option.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Get Video Statistics
Do Not Get Video Statistics
Video Tags
You can choose either to grab the video meta keywords tags or not.
Video tags are very useful when you try to improve your site and videos SEO rankingsa.
If you face performance issues, turn off this option.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Get Video Tags
Do Not Get Video Tags
Source Filtering

Published After
You can narrow the fetching results to videos that have been published after a certain date
Leave empty to ignore this criterion. Supported by Youtube and Dailymotion only.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Custom :
Define the date for this source only.
Published Before
You can narrow the fetching results to videos that have been published before a certain date
Leave empty to ignore this criterion. Supported by Youtube and Dailymotion only.
-Default- :
Use the Global Parameter from Options Panel
Custom :
Define the date for this source only.
Filter fetched videos by duration. Note that this works only for Search sources.
Supported only by Youtube and Dailymotion.
Video Quality
Filter fetched videos by quality and definition.
Live Broadcasts
You can choose whether to get only live streams videos (currently live or completed lives).
Source Posting

Download Thumbnails
You can choose to download the video thumbnail during the video import, or use the external
thumbnail from the video service server.
Using external thumbnails makes the sources executions 5x faster, but could need some code tweaking
to integrate with your theme.
Downloading the video thumbnails is good for SEO but requires more disk space and makes source
executions slower.
Post Status
You can define the post status that will be automatically assigned to all the videos imported by
this source.
You can, for example, import videos as draft until you review and publish them.
Post To
You can pick one or more WordPress categories that this source should auto-post to.
This is a great way to classify and order videos on your site.
Post Author
Choose the WordPress user to whom WP Video Robot will assign this source imported videos.
Post Date
Choose to set the post date of the new imported video to :
- its original posting date on video service ( Original Date )
- its posting date when imported ( Updated Date )
Post Title Affix
Choose to add the name of the source or a custom text before or after the video title.
Post Tags
You can define the additional WordPress tags that should be automatically assigned to this source
imported videos.
Video Text Content
You can define whether to use the video service description as the post content for all this source
imported videos.
Source Integration

Start Time
You can define here, for all this source imported videos, the number of seconds from the beginning
of the video,
the player should start at.
Supported only by Youtube.
End Time
You can define here, for all this source imported videos, the number of seconds from the end of the
video, the player should stop at.
Supported only by Youtube.
Player Title
You can disable from here, for all this source imported videos, the video player title.
Works only with Youtube.
Player Annotations
You can disable from here, for all this source imported videos, the annotations that show up in the
video player.
Works only with Youtube.
Source Metrics

Here you can see what has been achieved by your source during the past 30days.
You have a chart for each source execution type: Testing, Tunning and AutoRunning.
Source Schedule
Source Status
You can toggle off the autorun of your source from this select.
Run Hourly
Run this source each and every hour.
Run Daily
Run this source once day. You will have to choose an hour.
Run Weekly
Run this source once a week. You will have to choose an hour and a day.
Source Folders
Since version 1.8, you can organize your sources with ease. Source folders are like categories for sources.
Source Actions
Many action are available for your source :
- Save Source
- Clone Source
- Trash Source
- Test Source
- Run Source
Source Stats
You can get here a quick overview of how many times the source have run or how many videos it imported
so far.
Testing Sources
How to Test a Source
Want to see what kind of videos have been fetched by your source? Test it !
There are 3 ways to test a source :
Right from the Source edition screen, under Source Actions you can click on TEST SOURCE.
On the sources listing screen, click on "TEST SOURCE" button.
You can test more than one source at a time.
On the sources listing screen, select the sources you want to test, then choose "Test Source(s)"
on the bulk actions dropdown. Click Apply.
Source Test Screen
Since the version 1.8, sources can be are tested and executed asynchronously. In human language,
that means that the plugin process them simultaneously, in parallel. You can turn that feature off, by
heading to WPVR General options, then scroll all the way down to the last option.
Then disable Asynchronous Execution.
That is a tremendous change under the hood of WP Video Robot. Why ?
Simply because, now you can process 30 sources (5 wanted videos each) in 5 seconds instead of 5x30
Note: If you encounter any issue testing or running sources asynchrounously, it means
your hosting
does not support that feature. Simply turn it off.
To see how grouped sources are processed, you have now a INFO button on top of your
testing screen.
You then just have to select the videos you want to import and then click on "Add Selected".
If you find videos that are not relevant and want the plugin to skip them automatically on next
simply select them and click on "Add to Unwanted". You'll then to choose on which unwanted list you want
to add them.
Global Unwanted: All the sources will be skipping those unwanted videos.
Source Unwanted: Only that source will be skipping those unwanted videos. So you can
still get them using another source.
Running Sources
Running a source is equivalent to test a source, but all found videos will be added without asking your
permission :).
Sources List Screen
Filtering Sources
You can filter the sources list by :
the posting author,
and/or the posting date,
and/or the source type,
and/or the video service
Bulk Actions
In addition to the default WordPress post bulk action, WP video Robot offers :
Toggle Sources
Toggle the status of the selected sources.
Test Sources
Test the selected sources at once.
Run Sources
Run the selected sources at once.
Duplicate Sources
Duplicate the selected sources.
Export Sources
Export the selected Sources into a json file.
Delete Permanently
Deletes the selected sources permanently.
WPVR Videos
Video Adding Wizard
Since version 1.8.6, an import assistant has been introduced to make adding a single video really easy.
It works through 3 easy steps :
1/ Choose the video service you want to get videos from.
2/ Enter the video URL or the video ID.
3/ Pick the video data you want to import.
That's it! You just have to click on IMPORT VIDEO button on step 3.
Once your videos is imported, you'll notice two metaboxes : WP Video Robot and WPVR Video Options
WP Video Robot metabox
On that metabox, you can see what service the video has been imported from, the video ID and the video
Besides, you have several action buttons :
Exactely as if you had clicked the blue WordPress PUBLISH button.
Shows up a pop up with the embedded player, so you can preview your video without leaving your backend.
Shows up the shortcode you can use to embed your imported video player wherever you want.
Toggles whether that video is on the Unwanted Videos list. WPVR uses that list to know what videos
should be
automatically skipped during sources fetching.
WPVR Video Options metabox
Autoembed Player
By default, the plugin will automatically embed the imported video on the text content.
Sometimes, you'll want to handle that imported video as any other regular WordPress post, or even use
your own
theme player implementation.
In that case, you have a handy field called Autoembed Player. You can choose between 3 possibilities
- Embed the plugin video player.
- Do not embed the plugin video player.
- Default ( use global settings set on WPVR Options > Integration ).
Start Time
Here you can define how many seconds should be skipped before the video starts.
End Time
Here you can define how many seconds should be left before the video ends.
Advanced mode
1/ Start by select the video service you want to import a video from.
2/ Enter the unique Video ID or the Video URL you want to import
3/ Set enable grabbing to YES
4/ Choose the video data you want to get imported. Note: importing the video title for example,
will override your post title input. You can also toggle all data on or off.
5/ Click the green IMPORT VIDEO button, That's it :)
If you want to enter your own data( title or thumbnail ,etc ...) , simply toggle off that given data.
By default, the plugin will automatically embed the imported video on the text content.
Sometimes, you'll want to handle that imported video as any other regular WordPress post, or even use
your own
theme player implementation.
In that case, you have a handy field called Autoembed Player. You can choose between 3 possibilities
- Embed the plugin video player.
- Do not embed the plugin video player.
- Default ( use global settings set on WPVR Options > Integration ).
Using Videos
Now that you have imported your videos, you are asking yourself how to use them on your site.
It's quite simple, you have 3 choices !
AutoInclude Videos
This is the simplest option. To integrate imported videos automatically in every post
query in your site,
use the "Autoinclude videos in your site queries" options from WP VIdeo Robot
>> Manage Options >> Integration Options.
If you want to show/include an imported or manually added video on a post, simply include the shortcode
[wpvr id=7767]
Where 7767 is the local post ID of your imported video. You can get this on Edit Video Screen or Videos List
Default Videos List Screen
Filtering Videos
You can filter the sources list by the author of the video, and/or by video category, and/or by posting
Bulk Actions
In addition to the default WordPress post bulk action, WP Video Robot offers :
(re)Download Thumbnails
Will fetch, download and replace selected videos thumbnails files.
Enable Auto-Embed
Will tell the plugin to auto-include the video player right before the post content, for all the
selected videos.
Disable Auto-Embed
Will turn off auto-embedding the video player on selected videos. Useful if you want to use your
theme video player instead.
Export Videos
Export the selected videos into a json file.
Publish Videos
Publish immediately the selected videos.
Delete Permanently
Deletes the selected videos without moving them to trash. This action is irreversible.
Manage Videos Screen
This is a new feature on version 1.5 !
You can manage your imported videos easily from this screen.
Useful Tools
From this screen you have 3 useful tools for mass managing your videos :
Track Duplicates
You can track the duplicate videos and merge them or delete them.
More infos on this tool.
Export All Videos
You can export all your videos with one single click using this tool.
Import All Videos
If you have exported a lot of videos and you wish to import them once at a time, use this tool.
Filtering & Ordering
Filter by Video Service
You can filter videos by check the selected videos services.
Filter by Post Dates
You can filter videos by check the selected post dates.
Filter by Post Authors
You can filter videos by check the selected post authors.
Filter by Video Status
You can filter videos by check the selected post status.
Order Videos
You can order results by video title or by video posting date.
Enhanced Bulk actions
Once you checked your selected videos, you can apply a bulk action on them.
The advantage of the bulk actions on this screen, is that the action is applied on one video at a time.
Very useful for huge number of videos.
- Export
- Publish
- Unpublish
- Draft
- Trash
- Restore
- Delete
Change Layout
You can change the layout of the videos on this manage screen.
Preview & Edit
For each result you can edit or preview the video.
WPVR Import Panel
Import Options
Simply choose the json file of exported options and click on "UPLOAD FILE AND IMPORT OPTIONS" button.
Import Sources
Simply choose the json file of exported sources and click on "UPLOAD FILE AND IMPORT sources"
You can either choose to automatically toggle on imported sources or no.
Import Videos
Simply choose the json file of exported videos and click on "UPLOAD FILE AND IMPORT videos" button.
You can configure some actions on import :
- Post the new imported videos now or keep the original post date.
- Assign the new imported videos to an author.
- Reset the new imported videos views or no.
- Skip duplicates during import operation or no.
WPVR Options
Show System Info:
Get a quick overview on your system configuration. That is the first step to troubleshoot
any issue you're facing with the plugin.
General Options
- Default Time Zone
Choose the default time zone the plugin will use to handle date times. Tha
- Default Time Format
Choose the time format to use when printing dates on the plugin interface.
You can choose 12H US time format (4pM) or 24H Standard time format (16h00).
- Restrict videos to their authors
Restrict edition and listing of imported videos to admin and respective authors. That's useful if
you have
a team of video editors that are supposed to use WP Video Robot to get videos separately.
- Auto unwant after trashing videos
If you enable this option, the plugin will automatically flag trashed videos as unwanted. This way
will skip them on next executions.
- Auto unwant when deleting videos
If you enable this option, the plugin will automatically flag deleted videos as unwanted. This way
will skip them on next executions.
- Logs per page
Number of log lines to display per page.
- Videos per page
Number of video items to show up per page on Manage Videos Screen, Deferred Videos screen, Unwanted
Videos screen.
- WPVR Screens FadeIn
The plugin uses a fancy fade in animation when it shows sources and videos listing screen.
Some hosting configurations may not support this feature. Simply turn it off, if you encounter
'Headers Already Sent' PHP error.
- User Roles With Enabled WPVR Links
Here you can define what user roles can see the plugin menu links. All other roles will have those
links hidden.
Fetching Options
- Default Wanted Videos
Number of videos to get by default per source.
- Default Order By
Here you can set the default( meaning global ) criterion, your sources should use to
order their found videos.
- Skip Duplicates
Enable this option to import only new videos. Duplicates will be skipped.
- Default Statistics
Define whether to get the video stats (views,likes,dislikes) or not.
- Default Video Tags
You can choose either to grab the video meta keywords tags or not.
Default Published After Date
Choose whether to only import videos that are published after this date.
Supported only by Youtube and Dailymotion.
Default Published Before Date
Choose whether to only import videos that are published before this date.
Supported only by Youtube and Dailymotion.
- Default Video Duration
Default video duration the plugin should filter fetched videos by.
- Default Video Quality
Choose what default video quality the sources should filter by.
- Default Video Broadcast
Choose whether to limit results to live broadcasts only or not.
- Import Video Full Desc.
By default, the Youtube API truncates the video text content.
Enable this option to import the whole description.
Note you can improve your system performances by disabling this option.
- Asynchronous Execution
Turn this option ON to reduce the execution time of your sources.
This will actually allow the plugin to execute several sources at once, in parallel.
You should turn this option OFF if you encounter errors when testing or running sources.
Posting Options
- Defer Video Adding
This is a very useful feature to improve the plugin performances and reduce the autorun execution
time of your sources. Once enabled, you can define a Defer Buffer which is the number of videos you
want the plugin to add on each execution.
Let's take a real Example:
Let's say we've scheduled 30 of our sources to fetch and import 5 videos per hour.
If we don't use Defer Video Adding, the plugin will fetch and add 150 videos per hour.
That will overload the server and decrease its performances during the hourly execution, which can
be long.
Now, if Defer Video Adding is enabled and we set the buffer to 5, the plugin will fetch once an
hour 150 videos
but will add only 5 videos each 10 minutes. It is actually a progressive distribution of your
sources workload.
- Default Download Thumbnails
Choose whether to download the video thumbnails or use the external ones right from the video
service server.
- Default Post Status
You can pick the default post status, your sources should set to their imported videos.
- Default Post Date
You can pick the default post date, your sources should post their imported videos on.
Original Date is the video service publishing date.
Updated Date is the date when the source has imported the video.
- Default Post Content
Choose whether to import by default the video text content or not.
- Default Post Format
Default WordPress Post Format to apply to the imported Videos.
- Default Posting Author
Choose the default WordPress user to whom WP Video Robot will assign imported videos.
- Default Post Tags
Define the default post tags the plugin should add automatically to your imported videos.
- Start local views count with Video Service views count ?
Choose whther to start your imported videos view count with 0 or with the real video service view
Integration Options
- Imported Videos Post Type
Choose the WordPress Custom Post Type (CPT) that should be used to store the imported videos on your
The plugin has a built-in CPT (wpvr_video) that is used by default.
- Autoinclude videos in your site queries
Enable this option to subjoin imported videos to all your existent WordPress queries without
changing a single line of code on your theme files.
- Enable Comments On Imported Videos
Choose whether to add comments support to imported videos or not.
- Enable Player Controls On Imported Videos
Choose whether to show up the pause/play/volume controls on imported videos player. Works only on
- Enable Permalink Rewrite
Enable this option to activate videos permalink rewrite, to have pretty permalinks for your imported
videos and improve SEO. If you disable this option, WPVR will use the WordPress permalink structure.
You have 3 choices :
- No Permalink Base : domain.com/my-imported-video-title
- Category Permalink Base : domain.com/my-category/my-imported-video-title
- Custom Permalink Base : domain.com/my-custom-text/my-imported-video-title
- Force the use of external thumbnails
When using external thumbnails, you can enable this option to trick WordPress whenever a thumbnail
used on the frontend.
- Embed Video Instead of Image Thumbnail
Enable this option to replace in the loop the post thumbnails by embeded video players.
- AutoEmbed Video player in content
Automatically embed youtube video player on single template without editing your theme files.
Turn this off to embed the player manually so you can customize it.
- Remove Video Text Content
Enable this option to remove the video text content that usually shows up below the video player.
- AutoPlay Embedded Player in Content
This option allows you to enable autoplay on the embedded players of your imported videos.
- Hide Player Title
Choose whether to show the video title inside the embedded player.
- Hide Player Related
Turn this ON to prevent the embedded player from showing related videos on pause or on stop.
- Hide Player Annotations
Turn this ON to prevent the embedded player from showing annotations during the video play.
- Override video admin columns
Enable this option to use the WPVR fancy listing table when listing imported videos.
- Private Custom Post Types
By default, the plugin hooks into any post type query. If you notice some bugs on your site when
the "AutoInclude Videos in your Site Queries" option, simply add the custom post types that WP Video
Robot is conflicting with.
If you have any trouble with that option, contact the support team on the support site.
Automation Options
- Enable AutoRun Mode
Disable this option to stop the plugin from working in background.
- Working Hours
Define a time interval of the day where WP Video Robot is authorized to perform
its automated tasks.
- Duplicates AutoCleaner
This is a very useful feature that automatically fetches and merges duplicates on your site.
You can choose to run it hourly, daily or weekly.
API Access
In order to communicate with the video services APIs, the plugin needs to have a granted access.
You can grant access manually using the API Wizard or by switching to API Advanced Credentials
where you need to provide
your own API keys.
Note that the access granted using the API Wizard is revoked by the video
service within 48 hours.
In order to allow the plugin to work automatically, we strongly recommend using advanced
credentials mode.
Cron Job
To work automatically and in background,WP Video Robot needs a Cron Job Service to be available. Actually, there
are 4 ways to make this work :
Using the AutoPilot add-on
This is the easiest way to get the plugin work automatically. Autopilot is as easy as clicking on a
START/STOP button.
Simply purchase the WPVR
Autopilot, and
follow this tutorial.
Using cPanel cron jobs
If your host offers cPanel backend, you can set up WPVR automation simply by adding a new cronjob to cPanel.
Read more about this method on this
Unix Linux cron jobs
If you are running your website on some VPS or dedicated server, you probably have access to SSH.
In that case you can set up WPVR automation using the linux crontab feature.
Read more about this method on this
Using a third party service
If you can't add a UNIX cron job as shown above, you can use a free third party services like crondash.com.
Read more about this method on this
Important :
Since version 1.8.4, we have decided to remove the WordPress built-in CRON method.
In fact, that method was not working properly, since you had to wait for someone to visit your website to fire
the WPVR automation.
That was not efficient at all.
WPVR Dashboard
Sources & Videos
A visual dashboard to quickly see how many sources are you using and how many videos you have on your
Automation Stats
On this screen you can check if the automated part of the plugin is working properly or not.
Also you can visualize the performance of your plugin configuration, through a stress forecast of the
plugin workloads
of each hour of each day.
You can even manually trigger the CRON to load the automation machine. There you can see what would be
by the plugin when it is autorunning.
Track Duplicates
Data Fillers
Admin Actions
Here you can perform some admin actions.
Actually, you can :
Reset Video Tables
If you have previously imported some videos, and now have deleted them, you should tell the
plugin to forget them so you can re-import them. Simply click on 'Reset Video Tables' and the plugin
will hard refresh its imported videos array.
Clear Deferred
With one click, you can clear and delete all the deferred videos, the ones waiting to be automatically
Show / Clear Errors
If the plugin has generated any errors during activation, they are stored to be debugged lately.
Here you can show stored activation errors and clear them.
Remove Temp. Files
When you import or export sources or videos or even options, the plugin generates some temporary files.
You can bulk delete them by clicking this button.
Reset Activation
You can reset your license activation from here.
You can reset the CRON security token from here.
Reset WPVR Notices
You can reset all the notices generated by the plugin from here.
Manage Licences
You can manage on this screen your core plugin license and premium add-ons you have bought on our
official store.
WPVR Addons

What for ?
With the WP Video Robot add-ons, you can extend and tailor the plugin to suit your needs.
What are add-ons ? Addons are some extensions to enhance and add powerful functionalities to the plugin.
There are packed as regular WordPress plugins and are available on our official store.
How to install an add-on
To install an add-on, simply get the zip file from the official store.
Then install it as any regular WordPress plugin. Finally head to the Browse Addons screen to manage it
or activate it.
Have an add-on idea ?
Couldn't find exactely what you need ? Have a good and clear idea of some new functionality or feature
to add to WP Video Robot ? Simply send us an email on [email protected] with your idea, and we'll
develop YOUR add-on right away :)
WPVR Activity Logs

WP Video Robot keeps any done action on record. On this screen you can follow/control all the work that has been
done manually or automatically.You can show Sources execution logs only or Video import logs only.
Also you can narrow the results to one particular source if you want.
WPVR Deferred Videos

For performance purpose, when WP Video Robot autorun sources, it doesn't add all the videos found.
It only adds limited number of videos on each execution( buffer chosen on option panel).
The rest of videos, called deferred videos are stored and automatically added each
10 minutes. From this screen, you can view them, add them manually or simply remove them .
WPVR Unwanted Videos

We were asked so many times on how unwanted videos( or junk content ) should be skipped or avoided.
So we came up with a clean solution, to keep track of unwanted videos.
The plugin can skip them during fetching and importing processes. You can also check them or remove
some of them using this screen.
WPVR Config File
This section is intended for advanced users. If you're not, please do not edit wpvr.config.php file.
The wpvr.config.php file is located on the root folder of WP Video Robot.
You can deeply customize the plugin by editing this file.
Each constant is well commented on the wpvr.config.sample.php file, so you can know what you are changing in the
Included Languages
WP Video Robot is internationalized. Currently, there are 9 languages included:
English ,
French ,
Chinese ,
German ,
Spanish ,
Arabic ,
Russian ,
Italian ,
Portuguese ,
Moreover, the plugin is translation ready with RightToLeft support.
In the languages folder you'll even find pot file if you want to translate to your language.
New translations are welcome!
Configure translation
If you are using WordPress 4.0,
You can switch the whole site language by visiting
Settings > General > Site Language.
For WordPress versions prior to 4.0, follow these instructions :
To change the default language of WordPress open up your wp-config.php
file and find the following line.
define ('WPLANG', '');
Change the value of this to the name of the language file. Possible value are :
define ('WPLANG', '');
define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
define ('WPLANG', 'sp_SP');
define ('WPLANG', 'de_DE');
define ('WPLANG', 'ar');
define ('WPLANG', 'ru_RU');
For a multi network blog you can set the language of each of the site individually. All the language
settings can be setup in the network admin screen.
Functions & Shortcodes
This shortcode prints the real and live count of videos you have imported and published so far.
It takes 4
optional arguments.
[wpvr_count $nolabel $status $service $category]
nolabel ( Optional )
Adding this argument (without any value), returns only the count number, without any labelling.
status ( Optional )
Returns the video count of the given status only.
Possible values : publish / pending / draft
service ( Optional )
Returns the video count of the given service only.
Possible values : youtube / facebook / dailymotion / vimeo / youku / ted / cplus / ravnur ...
category ( Optional )
Returns the video count of the given category only.
Possible values : any valid category slug.
This function returns all the custom fields values of a given video or
just one chosen custom field value.
wpvr_get_fields( $field_name , $post_id ) ;
$field_name ( Optional )
Custom field name ( Possible values : video_service , video_id , video_duration , video_url ,
video_thumb , video_thumb_hq , video_views , EMPTY ).
Default : Empty
$post_id ( Optional )
Video post ID. If you want to use this function outside the loop, you have to define this argument.
Otherwise, leave it empty to use the post of the loop.
Default : Empty
If $field_name is defined, it will return the value of the custom field, otherwise it will return an
array with all the field names as keys and the field values as values.
Get views count of a given video.
wpvr_get_views( $post_id ) ;
$post_id ( Optional )
Video post ID. If you want to use this function outside the loop, you have to define this argument.
Otherwise, leave it empty to use the post of to loop.
Default : Empty
It returns an integer of the count views of the given video post ID.
Renders the video player on frontend.
It supports Video Station replacement and also Monetizer implementation.
Need an echo
wpvr_render_modified_player( $post_id ) ;
$post_id ( Optional )
Video post ID. If you want to use this function outside the loop, you have to define this argument.
Otherwise, leave it empty to use the post of to loop.
Default : Empty
Returns the video player embed code string. Note that you need to echo that returned string
to render the video player.
For more help on using those functions, check out our
Version v1.17.0 (Release Date : 05/09/2022)
- Bug Fixes
- Added support for WordPress 6.0.
- Corrected bug when searching for a Youtube Channel using the Helper.
- Updated both Comments Importer and Authors Importer addons.
- Updated the AutoPilot addon to support new CAPI structure.
- Updated the King theme fix.
- Updated the Bimber theme fix.
- Corrected the license bug when activating the plugin.
- Corrected "Authors Importer" bug when author is already on the system.
- Fixed the dataFiller update bug on the backend.
- Corrected search crash on the backend that happened when the plugin was active.
- Improvements
- Stopped the plugin from creating or using session on the frontend (Fixed varnish cache issue).
- Created PHP Classes for Videos and Sources to make backend rendering faster.
- Added the Vidorev theme fix.
- Added the Vidmov theme fix.
Version 1.14.0 (Release Date :30/01/2021)
- Bug Fixes
- Added support for PHP8.
- Corrected errors when running sources with CRON (RollingXCURL).
- Added support for Comments Importer new update.
- Added support for changes to Bimber theme.
- Corrected Dailymotion SDK to support PHP8.
- Corrected WPVR Scheduler errors.
- Improved WPVR security checks when running CRON.
Version 1.13.0 (Release Date :24/01/2021)
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected the fade screen issue when running the CRON.
- Corrected the meta sources fatal error when running the CRON.
Version 1.12.1 (Release Date :10/01/2021)
- Features
- Full re-design of the manual import for a better user experience.
- More manual import options for better flexibility.
- Added more flexibility by managing the imported videos permalinks through WordPress permalinks.
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected full video description issue on Youtube video import.
- Corrected comments importer bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected authors importer bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected permalinks Conflicts with other custom taxonomies and other custom post types.
- Corrected scheduler bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected the tag issue when doing a manual import.
Version 1.11.1 (Release Date :18/12/2020)
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected license activation issues.
- Corrected license cancellation issues.
Version 1.11.1 (Release Date :16/12/2020)
- Features/Fixes
- Added support for WordPress 5.6 (jQuery errors).
- Added support for the VidoRev new update.
- Added support for the VideoPro new update.
- Added support for the Comments Importer new features.
- Corrected manual import issues when using Classic Editor.
- Added support for new "Licenses and Updates" server with better security and SSL.
Version 1.10.0 (Release Date :15/07/2020)
- Features
- Changed the plugin slug from wpvr to wp-video-robot.
- Added support individual import on Gutenberg editor.
- Added Custom dynamic date range option on sources to overcome new YouTube
quota limitations.
- Added support of PHP 7.3.x.
- Added support of WordPress 5.4.x.
- Added support for Youtube API Changes.
- Added support for Vimeo API Changes.
- Added support for Dailymotion API Changes.
- New add-ons
- Added support and theme fix for Jannah premium theme.
- New release of the VideoPro theme fix.
- New release of the Newspaper theme fix.
- New release for Monetizer add-on.
- New release for ShareToView add-on.
- New release for VideoStation add-on.
- New release for CommentsImporter add-on.
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected Video Player responsiveness issues.
- Corrected meta_data insertion issue when using custom tables
on old WordPress install.
- Corrected Sorting by Rating on Youtube sources.
- Fixed the thumbnail issue that occurred on some low definition
- Added support for WPVR notices on Gutenberg edition screen.
- Corrected email validation issue with custom TLDs that
occurred on activation screen.
- Corrected CSS conflicts with latest version of WordPress.
- Fixed security issues when auto-updating.
Version 1.9.25 (Release Date :05/03/2019)
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected auto update debug messages.
- Renamed plugin slug from 'wpvr' to 'wp-video-robot' to
solve conflict with WP VR free plugin.
- Corrected auto publishing videos issue when using Video
- Corrected security issue when using Automation.
- Corrected dataFillers bug when importing sources using
Import Panel.
Version 1.9.120 (Release Date :15/09/2018)
- Features
- Added support for API access auto renewal (API Wizard can keep you connected forever now :)
- Added support of PHP 7.2.x.
- Added animated migration wizard to easily enable WPVR own meta tables structure.
- Added WPVR_DISABLE_BLACK_BARS_REMOVER to allow import of big thumbnails that have bad quality
or black bars.
- Added support for AceAds used by Bimber theme.
- Revamped WPVR Cache system for better performances.
- BugFixes & Corrections
- Corrected post date issue when importing videos and using different timezones (WP and
- Corrected array errors when using PHP 7.2.x.
- Optimized the wpvr_get_sources function to avoid slow Mysql queries.
- Corrected WPVR Notices rendering error when a user have dismissed some of them.
- Corrected the thumbnail issue when quick editing a video on the WordPress videos screen.
- Corrected the conflict with MonsterInsights.
- Using WPVR Assets(JS and CSS) on WPVR Screens only.
- Corrected AutoUpdate Version checking repeated.
- Removed video player iframe border on FireFox.
- Corrected WPVR Notices rendering issues and conditions.
- Corrected WPVR Video Wizard responsiveness styling.
- Corrected Sources edition screen bug when using non english language.
- Corrected WPVR Export/Import bug when using PHP 7.2.x.
- Corrected Cloning Source LAst Execution Time bug.
- Corrected JS animations when not using WPVR Screens FadeIn feature.
Version 1.9.19 (Release Date :10/05/2018)
- Features
- Implemented WPVR own meta tables for scalability and better performances.
- Added Source Unwanted Videos Tab to see/edit all the videos a given source is skipping.
- Added a migration wizard for a smooth meta transition.
- Added hooks to programmatically add information to any activity log data.
- Added constant (WPVR_FORCE_FETCH_THUMBNAILS) for advanced users to force the import and
creation of video thumbnails, even if they're already on the media library.
- Added HTTP Authentication constants for advanced users, to allow async executions on a http
protected site.
- Added fancy CheckIcon animation when saving WPVR and Addons options.
- Added Sources and Videos Meta Entries metaboxes to debug the post meta of your content.
- Added dynamic API response debug through GET parameter (enable_api_response_debug) for easier
debugging when testing sources.
- BugFixes & Corrections
- Corrected the JS crash on WPVR Overview Charts when having categories with a quote (thanks to
- Added support for PHP 7.2.0 for deprecated and obsolete wpvr functions.
- Corrected the issue of maxres thumbnails not returned when using search sources.
- Corrected the (re)Download thumbnails bulk action progression bug.
- Corrected the Sources Listing Filtering issue when using Source Folders.
- Corrected pagination issue on Woocommerce products archive pages.
- Added a conditions to not test/run/export sources if they are trashed.
- Corrected the save options button of WPVR and Add-ons issue.
- Corrected the System Information page that was crashing on some server configurations.
- Added security check to prevent running or testing trashed sources.
- Corrected the deferred videos listing screen issue.
- Fixed several minor bug on the WPVR Dashboard charts.
- Added constant to force skipping SSL verification on all curl communications including
import over SSL.
- Corrected the bulk update thumbnails crash after processing 3 videos.
- Corrected add-ons options reordering thourhg the 'order' parameter.
- Corrected bug when granting access to a video service API and clicking on overlay mask of the
- Corrected Videos bulk actions bug when not selecting any item.
- Corrected nginx configuration $_GET parameter error when using async on source executions.
- Corrected Source Testing screen crashing when using WP Multisite and ASync.
- Corrected WPVR Manage Licenses page messages and styling.
- Corrected Async HTTP Auth problem and added a troubleshooting message when it happens.
- Corrected Source unwanted adding/removing issues.
Version 1.9.18 (Release Date :10/02/2018)
- New Features
- Added support for Rutube Video Service.
- Added support for Twitch Video Service.
- Added Import Demo Sources feature.
- Added Lazy loading on all video elements rendering.
- Added Youtube Channel video type option to get all the videos inside a channel.
- Added Error message when WPVR JS code crashes because of some conflict.
- Added support for the latest WordPress version (4.9.4).
- Added a better AutoUpdate experience for both core plugin and add-ons.
- Added save/restore of your local WPVR config during the core plugin AutoUpdate.
- Bug Fixes & Corrections
- Added support for the new Dailymotion API new pagination system (thanks to Khalil Amor).
- Corrected Duration printing issue when no duration is found.
- Added a workaround to get more than 1000 videos from one single query.
- Corrected Black Bars showing up on some videos.
- Optimized all GIF spinners and images used by the plugin.
- Corrected the Manage Videos page issue when using a different post type.
- Corrected the autoload wp_option issue on WPVR for better performances.
Version 1.9.17 (Release Date :31/12/2017)
- New Features
- Introduced multi post type handling that you can define on your source.
- Implemented video info popovers on source testing screen.
- Implemented Source Search Randomize feature for easier stress testing.
- Revamped WPVR Top Bar and Sidebar menus to be translation ready.
- Implemented a step-by-step process to re-Download Thumbnails.
- Implemented a step-by-step process when executing dataFillers.
- Performance
- Introduced WPVR PHP Session Cache for faster queries executions.
- Introduced partial flush for faster video fetching.
- Optimized all drop-downs populators for faster user experience.
- Optimized all the plugin SQL queries for better performances.
- Revamped wpvr_sources, wpvr_get_users and get_statistics functions.
- Revamped the whole add-ons structure as first steps to third-party add-on development.
- Bug Fixes & Corrections
- Corrected export bug on WP Multi-site.
- Corrected overwritten tags when doing manual video imports.
- Corrected some SQL errors on the plugin Reports and Metrics screens.
- Corrected flush bug when emptying trash or deleting videos.
- Corrected Imported/Deferred/Unwanted mechanism when fetching or adding videos on both Async and
- Corrected the re-Download Thumbnails issues on Youtube.
- Added a hook to define internally private custom post types to avoid conflicts with popular
plugins or
- Corrected the Automation Dashboard boxes ordering and layout.
- Corrected the link of service API keys creation tutorials on WPVR Notices.
- Removed View Source Stats link when source is not yet saved.
- Corrected mb_strtoupper error on some server configurations and on chinese translations.
- Corrected Clear Activity Logs button issue.
Version 1.9.15 (Release Date :30/10/2017)
- Added backend video filtering by video ID.
- Corrected WordPress Multisite Activation issue.
- Corrected JS conflict with some rare themes.
- Corrected No Name Source confirmation bug.
- Added Source tabs for a better usability.
- Fixed the WPVR Permalink Rewrite issue on multisite.
- Fixed the reset of source execution counters on source import.
- Fixed misterious deletion of wpvr_video items when using the VideoPro Recommended Series Widget.
- Added Recent Activity dashboard.
- Added Source Metrics charts to have an overview of your source executions.
- Added support for Conditional Logic Rules insights.
- Added support for Conditional Logic Actions.
- Added the 'Skip Both Source and Global Unwanted' option for each source.
- Revamped Automation Stress Charts for better readability.
- Added Reset Source Stats button.
- Added Filtering activity logs by source.
- Added explanatory message when changing Imported Video Post Type option.
- Added Recent Activity Dashboard Widget to overview all the Source executions and video adding
- Added DEV Mode post ID printing next to title on the backend admin lists.
- Corrected several video import bugs.
- Added support for Youtube Hybrid Source.
- Added support for Master/Workers new add-on.
- Added a better implementation of HTTPS.
- Added support for the latest ChartJS version (2.0.6).
- Revamped all the dashboards charts using xChartJS v2.
- Corrected several system messages.
- Fixed the HTTPS bug that keeps redirecting all WPVR pages to homepage (thanks to repute).
Version 1.9.9 (Release Date :15/07/2017)
- Added Recent Activity dashboard
- Added Source Metrics charts to have an overview of your source executions
- Added support for Conditional Logic Rules insights
- Added support for Conditional Logic Actions
- Added the 'Skip Both Source and Global Unwanted' option for each source
- Revamped Automation Stress Charts for better readability
- Added Reset Source Stats button
- Added Filtering activity logs by source
- Added explanatory message when changing Imported Video Post Type option
- Added Recent Activity Dashboard Widget to overview all the Source executions and video adding metrics
- Added DEV Mode post ID printing next to title on the backend admin lists
- Corrected several video import bugs
- Added support for Youtube Hybrid Source
- Added support for Master/Workers new add-on
- Added a better implementation of HTTPS
- Added support for the latest ChartJS version (2.0.6)
- Revamped all the dashboards charts using xChartJS v2
Version 1.9 (Release Date :25/05/2017)
- Corrected the name of the field PrivateCustom PostType
- Added the currently used timezone on all time prints
- Added timezone support when scheduling sources
- Corrected the Cancel License Activation URL issue
- Improved the DEV and DEMO mode flags
- Corrected the CRON execution time when async mode is disabled
- Corrected the Youtube Search Type source error
- Changed the CRON Machine messages to more descriptive ones
- Detect when images cannot be downloaded (because of missing requirement) and throw an error message
- Totally revamped the activity logs page for better user experience
- Check if the video thumbnails already exists on the site before downloading it
Better performance and less disk space use
- Added AutoCleaner feature to automatically clean your site from duplicates
- Added more flexibility for video integration ( Player Annotations )
- Added Source Integration options (Start Time / End Time / Hide Player Title / Hide Player Related / Hide
Player Annotations)
- Added several hooks to support the new Conditional Logic add-on
- Added Tipso to use fancy tooltips
- Added support for the new Master/Workers add-on
- Corrected an error thrown by Youtube when getting some videos like count
- Added Source Post Status option (publish/draft/private/pending) so automatically set imported videos
- Added Source Skip Unwanted Scope to keep recored of unwanted videos on a source basis
- Revamped the Videos and Sources advanced filters (more flexibility for more control)
Version 1.8.10 (Release Date :10/03/2017)
- Added default values next to each source field
- Changed the search terms explanation to a simpler real example (thanks to mr
- Corrected the add-ons texteditor fields not saving issue
- Added dataFillers filter hook to remote control dataFillers
- Added Auto Deactivate Source Threshold option, to automatically deactivate sources that don't find any
videos after a threshold
- Corrected the order and description of all WPVR options
- Corrected the description of all sources fields
- Added Hide Player Related global and individual options to avoid the Youtube player showing the related
videos when the video ends
- Added Hide Player Title global and individual options to avoid the Youtube player showing the video
- Added Sticky bottom save options bar on WPVR Options
Version 1.8.9 (Release Date :20/02/2017)
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the Private Custom Post type missing option issue
- Corrected the Youtube manual adding issue of v1.8.8
- Removed the php command line automation line
- Corrected the columns override function definition conflict with VideoPro
- Corrected the conflict on WP Query when using VideoPro and posting as regular post
- Corrected the format of the CRON Stopped error message
- Fixed the autoembeding video player on non WPVR posts issue
- Corrected the bug when selecting posting author
- Fixed the time zone issue when running a source
- Added a doExec param to simulate automatic source execution only
- Added a view button when adding videos through TEST sources screen
Version 1.8.8 (Release Date :02/01/2017)
Bug Fixes
- Added filtering between WPVR videos and regular posts
- Corrected Facebook VS thumb error
- Added capability to import videos to any custom post type, including regular post type
- Corrected the save add-on options bug
- Corrected the wrong API Access options link
- Corrected the Newspaper hook not firing on manual adding
- Added some new fancy debugging functions
- Corrected several execution bugs
- Corrected async execution when HTTP authentication enabled
- Added HD flag for videos where HQ thumb is available
- Added Override admin columns option
- Corrected the export options, videos and sources issue on WP Multisite
- Corrected the exported system info line break issue
- Added memory available info to System Info
Version 1.8.7 (Release Date :20/11/2016)
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the black bars issue on Youtube thumbs
- Reorganized all the plugin settings and revamped the API wizard screen with fancy services
- Corrected source owner info bug
- Corrected the multisite cron data storing error
- Corrected all WPVR portlets size issue on big screens
- Corrected source posting category issue (thanks to Mike)
- Added WPVR install path to system info
- Corrected the thumbnails not downloading issue (when running a source on multisite)
- Corrected the SSL error on CURL when used with Dailymotion SDK
- Updated the JS and CSS assets used by WPVR (NOUISlider, Fontawesome, Selectize)
Version 1.8.6 (Release Date :10/10/2016)
- Added a single video import wizard for better user experience
- Added Sticky topbar on source edition screen for easy source edition
- Added the wpvr_count shortcode that shows different video counts filtered by category, by
services or by status
[wpvr_count] : Shows the total count of videos
[wpvr_count service=youtube] : Shows the total number of Youtube videos
[wpvr_count category=movies] : Shows the total number of videos from the Movies category (use
[wpvr_count status=pending] : Shows the total number of pending videos (publish/pending/draft)
Adding no_label attribute returns only the count number with no labelling
- Added new custom hooks php file, where advanced user can hook into WPVR action and filter
- Added more simple message when visiting the CrON URL with CRON debug OFF
- Added Update thumbnails bulk action to re-download thumbnails of selected videos
- Introduced edit button when using source testing tool
- Rearranged the source filters and added source posting categories filter (More/Less Filters)
- Rearranged the videos filters (More/Less Filters)
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the issue on Dailymotion Playlists import
- Corrected the Video List screen blank screen issue (Thanks to Jorge Romero)
- Corrected the cron url generation error with WP installed on a subfolder
- Corrected the manual adding issue with Youku videos
- Corrected hooks to prevent WPVR from messing with attachments frontend rendering
- Added exit blank screen when trying to access wpvr.cron.php directly (For better security)
Version 1.8.5 (Release Date :20/08/2016)
- Added Video Author info when importing a video
- Added Video Author on testing screen
- Added Customizer support for metadata tags (%video_author% for example)
Bug Fixes
- Added cURL error debugging to core functions
- Corrected the Timezone option saving process bug
- Corrected the GET HELP link on Cron config screen
- Corrected the double definiton of wpvr_show_restriction_msg function
- Added version information on activation JS popup
- Corrected the source parameter clicking issue
- Corrected the PHP object to array conversion in the plugin code files
- Corrected the VST rendering modified player 502 Bad Gateway issue (thanks to Leslie E)
Version 1.8.4 (Release Date :01/06/2016)
- Added Search Context on Youtube Search Sources.
- Manual adding now supports Video URL and Video ID.
- Added a pretty customizable cron permalink.
- CRON execution on multisite is now supported.
- Added categories filtering on Browse Addons screen.
- Added WPVR_DISABLE_THUMB_DOWNLOAD to disable downloading of the video thumbnail.
- Added a COPY button on WPVR Automation Options URLs.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected new update message removal on both single and multisite.
- Corrected add-ons and plugin autoupdate on multisite.
- Corrected make_click hook error.
- Corrected a conflict of noUiSlider JS framework.
- Corrected the TMP database entries async bug.
- Corrected the permalink 404 error on first plugin activation.
- Corrected Deferred and Unwanted list pages pagination bug.
- Adapted the cron data file to multisite installations.
Version 1.8.3 (Release Date :05/03/2016)
- Added a Welcome screen with "Import Demo Sources" button.
- Redesigned the TEST SOURCE SCREEN.
- Added groupped Sources Folders actions.
- Added FontAwesome 4.5.0 Support.
- Improved sources bulk actions.
- Added AutoPilot support.
- Improved CRON CLI executions and reports.
- Added System Info Export to Text button.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the autoembed_done autoinclude bug.
- Corrected some theme conflicts with the new get_themes_mb feature.
- Corrected some JS error when clicking buttons.
- Fixed the tinyMCE error on add-ons options screen.
- Corrected some CSS conflicts on backend with other plugins.
- Corrected DataFillers screen JS errors.
- Corrected Youtube Channel ID retreiving errors (thanks to Joanny and José).
- Fixed the tags being imported even if not wanted (thanks to Joanny and José).
- Fixed the Stress Graph JS bug.
- Fixed frontend error when a video service is disabled.
- Corrected the JS error on WPVR dashboard thrown by a category containing a quote.
- Corrected the WPVR dashboard Sources colors bug.
- Corrected Source Service Labels and Source Types bugs on Activity Logs.
- Added Execution mode and Execution time to Activity Logs.
- Corrected some buttons JS Errors.
- Corrected objects export known bug.
Version 1.8.2 (Release Date :05/04/2016)
- Implemented a better timezone selector.
- Implemented expiration notices for add-on licenses.
- Added Changelog reader on welcome page.
- Added a admin top bar menu for WP Video Robot links.
- Added a plugins page menu for main WPVR links.
- Redesigned bulk actions for sources and videos.
- Added Server Software to System Info.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the loading animation on JS buttons.
- Corrected the dashboard CRON message timezone.
- Corrected Dailymotion text content bug (thanks José).
- Added video and souorces custom post types support hooks.
- Corrected async actions url bug on some server configurations.
- Added links to welcome page icons.
- Corrected the 'player instead of thumbnail' option bug (thanks to keithkraker).
Version 1.8 (Release Date :20/02/2016)
- All metaboxes defined for regular posts now supported by imported videos.
- Sources Folders to organize your sources.
- Managing Unwanted Videos to refine fetching of better videos.
- Better Single Source edition Action Buttons.
- Added pagination to deferred and unwanted videos screen.
- Added Global Publish Date filtering parameter.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected Error on Dashboard / Sources Screen.
- Corrected Videos filtering known issue on redirection.
- Adapted the WPVR backend interface to mobile.
- Corrected a http referrer WP bug.
- Improved API Authentication process.
Version 1.7.5 (Release Date :12/11/2015)
Added Features
- Added Actions menus on Top of Testing Screen
- Added Clone Source button on single source edition screen
- Added filtering videos by service on WordPress videos list screen
- Added activation cancelling that allows you to use your purchase code on a new domain
- Added comments count on WordPress video list screen
- Removed the autoClean feature that was buggy with the new Youtube API v3
- Addons ordering has been improved
- Local and custom tailored add-ons now appears on add-ons grid
Bug Fixes
- Corrected the several sources testing nextPageToken bug
- Corrected the manage videos pagination bug
- Individual adding from youtube video id bug fixed
- Fixed comments importing issue when manual granting access to youtube (thanks to Mario
- Fixed the Vimeo and Dailymotion declaration conflict with any other plugin (thanks to Mark
Version 1.7 (Release Date :01/08/2015)
Added Features
- Added standalone video services support.
- Added CRON path execution support.
- Brand new API Access interface.
- Added API communications notices.
- Added Videos Screen EDIT/PREVIEW buttons.
- Enhanced the plugin screens loading with fading.
- Enhanced add-ons browsing experience.
- Adapted all the plugin screens to mobile.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed sources graph bug on WPVR dashboard.
- Fixed user roles restriction bug.
- Fixed JS errors.
- Fixed Dailymotion player issue (thanks to Carlo Bartozi ).
- Fixed default options init bug.
- Corrected JM Twitter conflict.
- Corrected errors on dataFillers ajax communications.
Version 1.6.65 (Release Date :27/07/2015)
Added Features
- Add Hierarchy to selectize.
- Added WPVR_IS_LOCKED_OUT constant to prevent from being locked out the plugin.
- WPVR CRON is now available using php command line.
- Added 'Toggle All Grabbings' button on manual Adding screen.
- Added performance warning to avoid server crash due to misconfiguration.
- Added Reset CRON Data admin action.
- Added better System Diagnosis.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the 'Go Back' button javascript bug.
- Improved Ajax communication to avoid crashing when illegal strings are echjoed by other
- Fixed autoupdate bug (thanks to Jorge).
- Add Default choice for Video Duration Filter.
- Add Default choice for Video Quality Filter.
- Fixed 'Get Full Description' option bug (thanks to Jorge).
- Fixed HTTPS embed bug (thanks to Nate).
- Fixed the trashed sources that were still reachable by cron.
Version 1.6.4 (Release Date :22/06/2015)
Added Features
- Added Get Video Full Description Option.
- Added Source auto tags.
- Added SAVE SOURCE button.
- Advanced Source Filtering : by publish date , by video quality, by video duration.
- Updated Video services SDKs.
- Javascript Messages dialogs are no longer modal.
- Multiple testing tabs or windows now possible.
- Added HTTPS Video Url to dataFillers.
- Added Dynamic Video Views dataFiller to automatically fill/update your theme custom fields with
the updated video views.
- Added Dynamic Custom Post Type Skipper to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
- Added ESC for closing dialogs.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected vimeo tags import bug.
- Corrected the add-ons reloader bug.
- Corrected javascript bug on add items on deferred screen.
- Increased security in API communications.
- Fixed the JS buttons spinner bug.
- Improved the youtube fetching by not geting tags of already imported videos.
- Corrected Vimeo Video Fetching bug.
- Added loading to thumbs on testing screens.
- Improved JS ajax communications.
Version 1.6.0 (Release Date :15/05/2015)
Added Features
- Added selectize input instead of category checkboxes for better user experience
- Added Plugin Activation
- Added Custom String dataFiller Type
- Added dataFillers Preset for better compatibility with themes
- Better TEST/RUN buttons on Edit Source Screen
- Added video title to imported thumbnail filename, title and caption to optimize SEO rankings
- Added option to use a video as a normal post
- Supporting Addons to extend functionalities and enhance the plugin
- Permalink Rewrite Rule with 3 options : no base , category base , or custom base.
- Maximum resolution of thumbnails of imported youtube videos
- Video Content Affix and Suffix added to options
- Source Posting Categories enhancement
- Licences managment
- Added Admin Actions section on dashboard for advanced users
Bug Fixes
- Adapted WP Video Robot Manual Adding to Youtube API v3
- Corrected the XSS vulnerability on add_query_arg
- Corrected several Ajax Buttons bugs
- Added Test Permission on cron.txt file for debugging cron errors and issues
- Added message when youtube daily quota is reached
- Remove Single thumb bug fixed
- postCats bug corrected
- dataFillers execution on manual adding corrected
Version 1.5.3 (Release Date :05/04/2015)
Added Features
- Added DailyMotion Syndication on video embed
- German and Polish Translations corrected and working properly
- Added 'PHP Version' on Show System Infos
- Added an error message if PHP <= 5.3.0
Bug Fixes
- Source Counters( run/test/imported) bug corrected
- Source Schedule on XXX bug corrected
- Ajax Data Communication on video adding bug fixed
- Minor Security bug fixed
- Trim custom field name on dataFillers form
Version 1.5.1 (Release Date :31/01/2015)
Added Features
- Now compatible with WordPress MultiSite structure
- Now compatible with bbPress and buddyPress
- Now compatible with WooCommerce Shop Plugin
- Added an option to show or hide the video text content
- Added new Source type for VIMEO Video Service : USER TYPE (import all videos posted by a vimeo
- Added "Comment Support" Option to imported Videos
- Added "Show Player Controls" Option to imported Videos
- Added a button to hard refresh tables on Options pages
- Added an option to prefix or suffix imported videos title with source name or custom text
- Added Data Fillers to improve themes compatibility and seamless integration
Bug Fixes
- Filtering by categories on Videos Manage screen bug fixed.
- Source categories bug fixed
- Video Duration bug fixed
- Sources testing bug fixed.
- Replace thumbnails with players bug fixed
- Added JS error managing to JSON calls
- Updating deferred videos ids fixed
- Implementing timezones on CRON timing functions
- SkipDuplicates on deferred videos adding corrected (thanks to Frederic Pierron )
- GetOriginal Publishing date on deferred videos adding corrected ( thanks to Huba Melegh )
- Corrected custom post types incompatibility and conflicts
- Add Fix for custom post type category archive pagination (thanks to Simo and Mladen )
Version 1.5 (Release Date :30/11/2014)
Added Features
- Added Grant Access for each Video Service ( easily connect the plugin to APIs )
- Vimeo Videos Service Supported
- Dailymotion Videos Serviec Supported
- Groups (Vimeo and Dailymotion) now Supported
- Post Format Supported
- Post Date Choose Supported
- Added fancy icons to the whole plugin
- AutoPlay Option Added
- Manual Import Adapted to Vimeo and Dailymotion
- Added API Keys Options for every video service
- Added Service Name on Deferred and Test Screens
- Added Videos Graph by Service on the plugin Dashboard
- Added Manage Videos Screen powered with ajax
- -> With Filtering by Video Service / Post Date / Author / Categories / Video Status
- -> With Bulk Actions for the selected items
- -> With Layout choose (grid / bGrid / list ... )
- The sources list screen has been refreshed with new icons and new data
- Filter by Services on videos list screen added
- Added Track Duplicates toolbox to merge them
- Add Manage Videos Link To Videos Admin Menu
- NonAdmin Users Cap bugfix on Deferred Screen
- Changed the crontab url to add
- Cron bugfix
- Cron Security Token Bug Fixed
- Function naming compatibility fixed
- Changed the default Capablities to ALL OPEN
- Security bugfix on API calls
- Bugfix on activity log screen
- Bugfix on sources bulk actions
- Bulk Edit bug fixed (thanks to Anatoli Cholak )
- Filter on Videos List Screen bug fixed
- Filter on Sources List Screen bug fixed
- Hide Envato PurchaseCode Notice bugfixed
Version 1.1 (Release Date :15/09/2014)
Added Features
- Added multiple youtube channels in one single source
- Added multiple youtube playlist in one single source
- Added capabilities for non admin users (logs, actions,options,import panel)
- Added Bulk delete permanently for sources and videos
- Added Bulk publish for videos
- Added items counter for playlist ids, channel ids and videos ids on source edit screen
- Added loading spinner to all buttons calling with ajax
- Added relevant column data for sources and videos
- Added 'clear logs' button on logs screen
- Added manual manage defered videos screen
- Added an option for enabling/disabling batch adding
- Added duration and views on test and defered screens
- Added flags for 'trendy' sources
- Added TimeZone Support for accurate time handling
- Added Custom API Youtube Key Support
- Added 'Embed Video Player instead of thumbnail' Option
- Added Working Hours Options to limit the plugin automated tasks to chosen hours interval
- Added a Fancy Dashboard of the plugin to
- overview all the videos and all the sources
- Check The Plugin Stress Forecast
- Check Automation Status to debug troubleshooting
- Added Deferred Videos Screen To manually add/remove deferred Videos
- Added Columns to sources and videos list screens to improve overviews.
- Admin role restriction bugfix
- Autoupdate Function bugfix
- Options Page bugfix
- Important bug reported on the display of pages fixed
- Minor bugs reported by customers have been fixed
- Corrected Log weird bugs
- Corrected GoBack Button on result screen
- Corrected GoToTop button on logs screen
- Corrected switch buttons RTL bug on options screen
- Corrected errors in translation
- Corrected including shortcode known bug.
Version 1.0 (Release Date :30/08/2014)
We would like to thanks everyone else who made it easier for us to make this plugin:
Remember you did not just buy this plugin, you also bought our support.
We are here to help so feel free to drop us a line in forums if you need assistance.
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